When you purchase a new item, especially one for everyday use, you want it to last as long as possible. You also want to help keep it in the best possible condition for years of reliable use.
Well, your water heater is no exception. In fact, the average lifespan of a storage tank system is 10-12 years. The day it’s installed, 10-12 years seems like a long way life. But time, as the saying goes, tends to fly by.
So, to receive maximum value from your water heater – brand new or already installed – just follow these proven maintenance tips:
Add a second anode rod
Your water heater’s anode rod has one job: to protect the inner lining of your storage tank from corrosion. Adding a second anode rod doubles that protection and makes it less likely mineral-laden water can cause serious damage.
Add an expansion tank
Water expands when it’s heated which, in turn, can place added pressure on the system and result in premature failure. With the addition of an expansion tank, excess water in the tank will have somewhere to go, thus relieving pressure from the main tank.
Clean or flush the tank
Flushing your storage tank can help prevent sediment build-up which is another way to prevent internal corrosion.
Install a Pressure Regulating Valve
When water pressure exceeds 90 PSI, damage can result to all hot water using appliances, including your water heater. To help relieve that pressure, a special valve can be installed either on your main system or its expansion tank.
What does each of these water heater maintenance steps have in common? They all can be performed by Swan’s Complete Plumbing. We also recommend annual water heater inspections. That way, we can help ensure it’s operating at maximum efficiency and safety levels. We also can spot small problems and recommend fixing them before significant repair issues can arise. For more information or to request service, contact us today.